

In a post-modern world where the social & professional media offer views and expertise on almost every subject imaginable there is a distinct and important need for corrective truth based upon accurate information.

Often times the most important issues are also the ones which are replete with the greatest error. There is a tendency for people to embrace multiple interpretations as being mutually correct (“What you believe is as relevant and therefore as true as are my beliefs”). This sentiment leaves much room for opinion and misrepresentation of fact; “subjective truth” allows for “moral relativism” which opens the door to many dangerous errors.

Although often controversial and the subject of many human difficulties; the realities about God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible have been drawn into the secular realm where the views as stated above often prevail. (“There are many correct interpretations”) Not True! There is only one “Word”, one “Truth” and one “Way”; it is important to get these things right.

No matter what your beliefs may or may not be, the desire we have in publishing articles and in offering resources is to provide correction of false statements and representations pertaining to these matters.

A positive approach will be maintained, with care and consideration for you our readers.


The articles published on this website are intended to provide clarity and accuracy pertaining to the teaching and truth of God.

The calling which has been placed on the hearts of me and the contributing writers has been sparked by weak and false statements which have been promoted about our God and His truth in this modern world. Many of the people who have promoted the ideas and assertions that we will take to task are scholars with academic credentials, self made philosophers and professional journalist. We want you our reader to be equipped to consider these matters based upon what has been actually set forth in scripture by God, about God, and for His purposes.

The articles will deal with contemporary news, educational television and social media; their claims and observations.

Various book reviews, movie critiques, current news reports and inspirational teaching will also be presented.


The pursuit of serving God must always be according to His plan; therefore we proceed with reverence.

Over the course of the last year I have been quietly watching, listening and praying about the state of affairs in our world where the secular public has been fed a myriad of unfounded and opinion based teachings and agendas. Opinion based assertions have been taught among us to our detriment.
This is unacceptable, and must be countered so as to remove any confusion and falsehood. When accuracy is honored; a person’s convictions may be freely chosen based upon truth. When truth & accuracy prevail faith becomes a matter of believing God Himself.

These articles are being offered for your benefit in every way.

                                                                                                   In Jesus Christ Always, ABD